My grass isn’t as green as I would like, what do I do?

Possible Answer: Fertilization – This is the first thing to do if you think your lawn should be greener.  Austin area lawns have almost no Nitrogen and little organic matter in the soil.  Supplementing the existing nutrients in the soil with a solid professional fertilization program will solve a big chunk of the issues with the lawn.  If you want a greener lawn, start with a fertilization program first.

Possible Answer: Top Dress the Lawn with Compost – Adding a compost to the lawn does many wonderful and almost magical things for your grass.  The biggest visible result is a greener lawn.  The results don’t last forever, but Top Dressing with Compost is probably the single most effective method for greening up a lawn.  It works best in early spring or early fall and should be avoided in the heat of the summer.

Possible Answer: Change the Grass Type – Many times when people are unhappy with how green their lawn is, they are just unhappy with the grass type.  Not all grasses can develop a dark green color.  Cool-season grasses, like Ryegrass or Bluegrass, naturally have a dark green color that Bermuda or St. Augustine can’t achieve.  There are some varieties of Zoysia that get a darker green, so if you have a healthy lawn that isn’t as dark green as you would prefer, you may need to change your lawn out for a different grass type.

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