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Here are some things you should know about caring for your lawn.

The best grass for Texas lawns are the ones that can handle hot summers and mild winters, especially here in the Austin area. Central Texas will get extreme heat in the summer with long periods of little to no rain. Our winters are typically mild, but we get the occasional sub-freezing weather as well and our grass will need to be able to handle that.

Grasses that are most common in central Texas for lawns are Bermuda, St. Augustine and Zoysia. There are different varieties of each. Some are more suited to shade than others so be sure to choose what is best for your yard (we can help). Each type is reasonably drought tolerant (clearly important) but will still need regular watering. Ask us about our irrigation services (unless you really enjoy standing outside for long stretches with a hose). 

Consistent Care

Caring for your lawn is vital year round. Watering is an obvious need and changes from season to season. Irrigation is highly recommended as well as adhering to the instructions your irrigation expert gives you. The frequency, quantity, and coverage are the most important factors here.

Fertilization and weed control programs are also important. Feeding and conditioning your lawn with the nutrients that they need help the long term health of your lawn. A year round program is recommended. These programs include soil enhancers, revitalizers, weed barriers, growth enhancers and rejuvenators among other things.

Mowing is an important part of having a healthy lawn. It varies on who you ask when deciding how often you should mow. Most of the research will tell you weekly is best and there are a few varieties that every ten days is best. We find that in practice, weekly is the best and most common frequency for mowing a healthy lawn.  You want to be careful to not cut too short as this can harm your lawn. Bermuda grass can be cut shorter than most.

Overall there are many variables to keeping a healthy lawn. Grass type, water, fertilization, weed control and mowing frequency and height are important. Just be sure to consider each of these factors when making decisions about your lawn and yours can thrive.