Why are there mushrooms in my yard?

Why are there mushrooms in my yard?!

A could times a year we hear the question, “Why are there mushrooms in my yard? Should I be worried? Should we treat them?”. Sometimes mushrooms show up in the turf and sometimes they are in beds. What does this mean and what should I do about it? 

Short answer: you should pay us lots of money to come take care of it for you…kidding. The real answer: Don’t worry about it. Mushrooms result from the living microorganisms in your soil. Whenever I see mushrooms, I am generally pretty happy because it means that I have fertile soil. They may be an eye soar so you can mow over them or just kick them over, but don’t worry about it. 

Question: Why are there mushrooms in my yard?

Answer: good soil. 

Want to know how to improve your soil? We recommend top dressing

It is worth noting here, that there can be fungi in your yard that will hurt the turf. Most of the time, these fungi don’t look like mushrooms. They look like yellow spots or gray spots. This time of year is prime for bad fungi (we have high day time temperatures and low night temps). If you have questions, please give us a call. 

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