tree trimming

The Top Choice Austin Landscaping Blog

Live Oaks in Central Texas: Facts & Stories

By Nolan Gore / July 15, 2024

Surrounded by massive live oaks – that was my childhood. My parents moved to Austin in the 1980s. They decided to buy the house before they stepped inside. It was the oaks that made the decision for them. Century oaks. Gnarled and bent. Big and grumpy. Long and horizontal. I got to know these trees…

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How to Trim Live Oak Trees (and Prevent Oak Wilt)

By Nolan Gore / June 14, 2024

At the time of writing this blog, it’s almost time to trim live oak trees in Austin. Watch our video below or read on to learn why and how you should trim live oaks—and how to prevent that nasty Oak Wilt! Why trim live oak trees First…why should you trim your live oak trees in…

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Oak Wilt FAQ

By Nolan Gore / July 7, 2023

We know you care about your yard, and especially your trees, so we thought we would pass along… It’s tree-trimming season! Across Central Texas, HOAs, municipalities, and well-meaning neighbors will yell at you if you trim oaks in the spring. Why? Because February-June has the highest likelihood of spreading oak wilt. Now that it is…

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Sycamore Trees in Central Texas

By Nolan Gore / February 20, 2023

Sycamore trees are a common sight in central Texas, where they can be found growing in yards and native areas. The warm climate of the region makes it an ideal habitat for these majestic trees, which can reach heights of up to 100 feet. Sycamores (Platanus occidentalis) are also known as the American planetree, occidental…

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Arborgeddon Ice Damage Update

By Nolan Gore / February 13, 2023

After this month’s ice damage, we’re getting a lot of questions. How will “Arborgeddon” continue to affect Austin’s trees and landscapes into the future? What do you need to think about now? Is oak trimming still ok? Will my trees survive the ice damage? Will the debris stacked on my grass damage the turf? What…

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Winter Debris Removal in Austin

By The Top Choice Team / February 1, 2023

Does your yard look like the aftermath of a fight scene with the Governator in 1997’s (undoubtedly) classic “Batman and Robin”? As your irrigation system springing up leaks faster than a — uh — leaky faucet? We’re here to help with winter debris removal in Austin and expert irrigation service. Big takeaways up front: –…

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When to trim live oak trees in Austin

By The Top Choice Team / January 10, 2023

Nothing says Central Texas hill country quite like a majestic live oak. These trees have a special place in properties throughout Austin. Larger trees can be 200-300 years old, and with proper care, some can live up to 500 or 600 years! Many of these gentle giants have been around since before we were born,…

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