The Top Choice Team

The Top Choice Austin Landscaping Blog

Is My Plant Dead?

By The Top Choice Team / February 25, 2021

Is my plant dead?  Is my plant dead? After this record breaking freeze we are getting a lot of these questions: Can you help me assess my landscape? What should I do now? What is the meaning of life? We are going to write in generalizations (we trust that you are smart enough to apply…

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What happens to the Texas Landscape when it gets this cold?

By The Top Choice Team / February 18, 2021

What happens to the Texas Landscape when it gets this cold? Background Information: This was written in mid-February 2021 during a “winter vortex”. You may have heard of the movie – The Perfect Storm – well that was about a different storm. Similar though. Central Texas saw multiple days under snow. While this may be…

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Central Texas Winter Cut Back

By The Top Choice Team / December 16, 2020

Central Texas Winter Cut Back How can you be successful in your Texas winter cut back? A little work in mid-late winter will result in a more beautiful and healthy landscape for the rest of the year. Each yard is different, in fact each yard can have its own microclimate where plants should be treated…

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How Does Military Experience Help with Small Business?

By The Top Choice Team / December 7, 2020

How Does Military Experience Help with Small Business? All I can do is write to my own experience – limited – personal – growing – ever-changing. I understand myself better and differently each year. But I have this conversation pretty regularly, so I thought I would consolidate my thoughts to maybe help someone in the…

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Drunk Birds?! Intoxicating Berries in Texas.

By The Top Choice Team / November 24, 2020

Drunk Birds?! Why is this bird acting so strange? Believe it or not, animals – and especially birds – can get drunk on berries. Occasionally, with the right seasonal conditions, berries will ferment. This generally occurs after a freeze. When a hungry bird runs into a fermented berry, they make friends and odd things can…

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How to Grow a Cactus in Central Texas

By The Top Choice Team / November 24, 2020

I want to grow a cactus…but how? The first thing to know if you want to grow a cactus in central Texas: Don’t over think it.  Cacti are awesome. They take care of themselves and they look cool. Best of all – they are easy to grow.  Step 1 – find a cactus you like. …

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Tree Removal

By The Top Choice Team / November 11, 2020

Tree removal We love trees, but sometimes the best thing for a landscape is a tree removal. One of my personal pet peeves is when new neighborhoods require 2, 3 or even 4 trees installed in a yard that should really only have one tree. It is short sighted. Why would you remove a tree?…

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Why are there mushrooms in my yard?

By The Top Choice Team / October 14, 2020

Why are there mushrooms in my yard?! A could times a year we hear the question, “Why are there mushrooms in my yard? Should I be worried? Should we treat them?”. Sometimes mushrooms show up in the turf and sometimes they are in beds. What does this mean and what should I do about it? …

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7 Landscaping Ideas for your small backyard

By The Top Choice Team / October 13, 2020

  No matter how small your backyard may be, there are plenty of ways to create the perfect outdoor oasis at home with some backyard landscaping. A small plot doesn’t necessarily mean that the landscaping options are limited! There are plenty of landscaping designs and gardening fixes that you can do on your own or…

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Fall Yard Tips for Texas

By The Top Choice Team / September 29, 2020

Why is Fall so important for my yard?  Fall is is such an important time of year for your yard. Most people think of spring as the time to add plants, flowers, and to make the world a little greener. Fall is a great time to plant – and in Austin – it may even…

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