
The Top Choice Austin Landscaping Blog

Irrigation Tips to Save Water in Austin

By Nolan Gore / April 18, 2023

Save money, save the environment, and save water in Austin! We often have conversations with clients looking for smart ways to conserve water, especially when it comes to irrigating their yard. We love these questions – whether we get to implement these ideas for conservation for them or they want to implement themselves. Let’s discuss…

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Winter Debris Removal in Austin

By The Top Choice Team / February 1, 2023

Does your yard look like the aftermath of a fight scene with the Governator in 1997’s (undoubtedly) classic “Batman and Robin”? As your irrigation system springing up leaks faster than a — uh — leaky faucet? We’re here to help with winter debris removal in Austin and expert irrigation service. Big takeaways up front: –…

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freeze damage on an above ground backflow preventer

Do you need to winterize irrigation systems in Austin?

By The Top Choice Team / December 14, 2022

Do you need to winterize irrigation systems in Austin? We don’t get too much cold weather here in Central Texas, but when we do, ice and freezing pipes can really cause some damage! A little preparation can prevent headaches and save you money down the road. What does sprinkler winterization look like in Austin? Winterization…

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Fall Planting in Austin – Give Your Plants a Fighting Chance!

By The Top Choice Team / October 10, 2022

As we all know, keeping up with our yards here in Texas can be a full-time job. So, when it comes to fall planting in Austin, we want to ensure we’re doing it right — so we don’t have to waste time and money later down the road. And did you know that fall is…

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Will my grass grow back after a drought? (A visual guide)

By The Top Choice Team / September 19, 2022

After a drought, many Austin homeowners will begin poking their heads out of their air-conditioned summer sanctuaries to survey the damage. After a winter-long dormancy, there’s still one big question on many of our minds: “will my grass grow back?” It’s no secret: Austin’s 2022 average temperatures have been stuck somewhere between “extra toasty” and…

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Rocks and stone landscape inspiration

By The Top Choice Team / July 20, 2022

Rocks and stone are a great way to improve your landscaping for years to come. They can add form and function to any yard … and they’re a great way to save water! But what to do? Check out a few of our recent projects for a little inspiration. Rocks paths and stepping stones People and…

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Summer landscaping tips to beat the heat

By The Top Choice Team / June 14, 2022

With triple-digit temperatures extending as far as the forecasters can see, there’s no doubt about it. We’re in for a hot summer in Austin. Will your lawn make it? Heat waves have happened before, and they will certainly happen again. So, what can you do to help give your lawn a fighting chance? Don’t just…

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Top Choice Lawn Care irrigation in Austin, Texas

Get up to $1000 in Austin Water irrigation rebates

By The Top Choice Team / March 8, 2022

Central Texas residents and property owners can receive up to $1000 in Austin Water irrigation rebates in 2022. Now is the perfect time to think about water-saving upgrades while you get your irrigation system back up and running. What are the rebates for? The “Irrigation Upgrade” program is designed to encourage customers to improve their…

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Austin Spring Landscaping Calendar

By Allison / March 7, 2022

The air is getting warmer, and you want to get outside! Your lawn and shrubs are still a bit brown, but you’re ready for some spring landscaping. What do you do? Early spring is a pivotal time to set your lawn up for success, and a simple plan will help you make the most of…

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Why are there weeds in my lawn?

By The Top Choice Team / November 2, 2021

Why are there weeds in my Lawn? What can I do about it?  Why are there weeds in my yard, and what can I do about it? We are going to tackle this in three steps: Identification Eradication Maintenance But before we get into the details, let’s start with some basics upfront. We like to…

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