
The Top Choice Austin Landscaping Blog

Inspecting systems for backflow prevention in Austin

Backflow Preventer Inspection in Austin

By The Top Choice Team / July 27, 2023

Are you ready to keep your residential irrigation system in tip-top shape? Well, let us tell you about a crucial aspect of maintaining your system in Austin, TX: backflow preventer inspection. You see, here in our lovely city of Austin, we experience all kinds of weather — from scorching hot summers to occasional heavy rains.…

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Deep Watering: Are You Watering Your Grass Correctly?

By Nolan Gore / July 24, 2023

Especially in July and August, the sun, heat, and dryness are brutal for our lawns. Deep watering encourages healthy root growth for plants and grass by providing water to the deeper soil layers. Here are a few thoughts on how you can practice deep watering and get the most out of your irrigation system. Life…

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How to perform a DIY irrigation check

By Nolan Gore / June 19, 2023

Lots of folks like to handle their own irrigation. That’s great and we encourage it. A bunch of folks also want a pro to do an irrigation check to make sure their system is in tip-top shape before the summer.  Whatever you decide, please, please, please make sure your irrigation system is in good shape…

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Irrigation Tips to Save Water in Austin

By Nolan Gore / April 18, 2023

Save money, save the environment, and save water in Austin! We often have conversations with clients looking for smart ways to conserve water, especially when it comes to irrigating their yard. We love these questions – whether we get to implement these ideas for conservation for them or they want to implement themselves. Let’s discuss…

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Winter Debris Removal in Austin

By The Top Choice Team / February 1, 2023

Does your yard look like the aftermath of a fight scene with the Governator in 1997’s (undoubtedly) classic “Batman and Robin”? As your irrigation system springing up leaks faster than a — uh — leaky faucet? We’re here to help with winter debris removal in Austin and expert irrigation service. Big takeaways up front: –…

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Top Choice Lawn Care irrigation in Austin, Texas

Get up to $1000 in Austin Water irrigation rebates

By The Top Choice Team / March 8, 2022

Central Texas residents and property owners can receive up to $1000 in Austin Water irrigation rebates in 2022. Now is the perfect time to think about water-saving upgrades while you get your irrigation system back up and running. What are the rebates for? The “Irrigation Upgrade” program is designed to encourage customers to improve their…

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Protect Your Plants from Black Spot

By Allison / January 14, 2019

Beware: A Fungus Among Us Have you noticed discolored spots on the bottom foliage of your roses or shrubs? Do any of your trees have an arch of discolored lower bark? If so, you need to take action now!        Wet foliage is susceptible to fungus and other detrimental plant pathogens!  No one likes to…

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